Fellowship Director:
Professor Jorge L. Alió MD, PhD, FEBOphthal
Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmology,
Miguel Hernandez University
Course Director of the International Online Course in Refractive, Cornea, and Lens Surgery
Vissum Grupo Miranza Alicante
Fellowship general information:
Type of fellowship: Clinical and research fellowship in the area of Refractive, Cornea and Lens surgery.
The objective of the fellowship is to increase the knowledge both clinical and surgical as well as the theoretical and skill basis of the fellow on the topics of the area of Refractive, Cornea and Lens surgery, simple and complicated cases, as well as in those other areas of ophthalmology relevant for the anterior segment surgeon such as glaucoma and ocular surface disorders.
The fellow participates as observer in the clinical and surgical activities, as well as in research studies.
The advanced refractive surgery fellow’s clinical and academic pursuits will be located at the premises of Vissum Grupo Miranza Alicante, within the Department of Research and Development. The fellows will have free access to our departmental libraries and computers. The clinical and surgical activities will be performed also at the premises of Vissum Grupo Miranza. Senior specialists in the area will supervise all activities under tutorial basis.
Fellow’s responsibilities include:
- Participation in the clinical sessions and in online sessions with other eye centers and universities in Spain.
- Rotation at the clinical office and the operating room activities related to the area as observer.
- Participation in the clinical follow up of the patients included in clinical trials.
Participation in collaborative research with the anterior segment ophthalmologists of VISSUM
Teaching activities will be performed following the lessons of the international online course “Refractive, cornea and lens surgery”, under the direct supervision of Prof. Jorge Alió and the collaboration of the associated professors and honorary professors (Jorge Alió del Barrio and Alfredo Vega).
We also have a wetlab in which phacoemulsification and corneal procedures can be practiced in pigs’ eyes.
All the fellows will be under direct supervision of Prof. Jorge L. Alió MD, PhD, FEBOphth and Alejandra Rodríguez, PhD (R&D Supervisor VISSUM Grupo Miranza)
Other clinical supervisors of the fellows include Dr. Jorge Alió del Barrio, senior specialist in Refractive, Cornea and Lens surgery.
The fellows may decide:
- To join the on-line specialization course “Clinical methodology in refractive, cornea and lens surgery” of University Miguel Hernandez of Alicante, To see the list of teaching activities and on-line lessons of this course go to the webpage: http://www.refractivesurgeryonlinecourse.com
- To join the PhD Doctorate Program of the Miguel Hernández University. For this activity, separate information will be provided upon request. The PhD Doctorate Cycle at the Miguel Hernández University is specifically regulated by the University in addition, either of the supervising professors of the course can direct the doctorate thesis.
- To join humanitarian projects for the development and enhancement of practical surgical experience. In these projects there is the option of doing cataract surgery under senior surgeons’ supervision with direct access to cataract and anterior segment surgeries, as first surgeon in the adequate cases (the fellow must have a previous experience as first surgeon in at least 150 cataract cases). For this activity, separate information will be provided upon request.
Level I: Basic Observership (maximum 1 month)
Licensed doctors seeking exposure to ophthalmology or ophthalmologists wishing to explore a particular field of ophthalmology further, perhaps prior to applying for a subsequent Advanced Clinical Research Subspeciality Fellowship.
Level I observers will rotate in both clinical and surgical activities.
Level II: Advanced Observership (maximum 1-3 months)
Ophthalmologists or ophthalmologists in training interested in vision sciences in a particular subspeciality.
Level II observers will rotate in clinical and surgical activities, with the opportunity to participate in research activities.
Level III: Clinical Research Subspeciality Fellowship (3 months – 2 years)
Ophthalmologists will participate in clinical research activities in a specific subspecialty area and/or research project. The fellow will participate in consultation and assist in surgery under the direct supervision of the ophthalmologist in charge and subject to European and Spanish Laws.
Prof. Jorge Alió MD,PhD, FEBOphth.
Alejandra Rodríguez
VISSUM Grupo Miranza
If convenient, the candidates can ask questions about activities of the course to the following previous senior fellows of the institution.
- Dr. Mohamed Bahrawy (Cairo, Egypt) bahrawy.mohamed@gmail.com
- Dr. Francisco Amparo (Boston, Massachusetts USA) dr.amparo@gmail.com Dr. Alessandro Abbouda (Italia) a.abbouda@gmail.com
- Dr. Bassan Elkadi (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) bisoelkadi@yahoo.com Dr. Sabat Abu Mustafa (Kuwait) drsabat79@yahoo.com
- Dra. Chiara Fariselli (Italia) chiara.fariselli2@studio.unibo.it
- Dr. Francesco D’Oria (Italia) francescodoria91@hotmail.it
- Dra. Hessah Alrabiah (Kuwait) biabeepapeterie@gmail.com