Legal Note
The following Legal Notice governs the use of the Website that UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ (DPTO. PATOLOGÍA Y CIRUGÍA-Fac. de Medicina), with tax identification number Q-5350015-C and registered office at Ctra. Alicante-Valencia, Km. 8,7 – 03550 Sant Joan d’Alacant, (here in after the OWNER) makes available to Internet users interested in its contents and services.
Users may contact the OWNER writing to the registered office address shown above or at
The use of the above mentioned Website grants the condition of User, and implies acceptance of all the conditions set forth herein.
Use of the service is limited in duration to the time when the User is using the Website.
The User must read the Legal Notice in each of the occasions on which he/she intends to use the Website, given the OWNER has the right, without previous notice, to make changes and updates to the information, layout and presentation contained therein, as well as to the access conditions and the Legal Notice itself, in order to adapt them to changes in legislation or case law, as well as industry practices, previously informing users of the changes performed.
The use of certain services offered through the Website may be subject to specific conditions which, depending on the case, may substitute, complete and / or modify the present General Terms of Use. Therefore, prior to using these services, the user must also carefully read and accept the corresponding specific conditions.
All elements of this website (including text, images, sounds, animations, software or applications, databases, domain names, etc.) are the property of the OWNER or third parties who have licensed the OWNER for their use, together with logos, trade names, trademarks, industrial designs and any other content protected as intellectual property. The Website may contain references to trademarks, materials protected by copyright, technologies, products, processes or other intellectual property rights belonging to the OWNER and / or third parties.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any form of exploitation, reproduction, distribution, transmission, public communication or transformation without the express written permission of the owner of the exploitation rights is hereby prohibited. Unauthorized use of the materials and information contained in the Website may involve the violation of the law on intellectual property and other applicable law.
If you think that some content of this website affects your intellectual and / or industrial property, contact us requesting its amendment or suppression by the means indicated in the General Terms of Use.
The OWNER informs hereby the Users of the Website of the aspects related to the protection of personal data and their use by this website, in accordance with Law 15/1999 of the 13th of December, on the Protection of personal Data, together with the Directive 95/46 / EC of the European Parliament and the regulation of the 24th of October 1995 of the Council of Europe, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data.
In general, we report the existence of an automated file under the responsibility of the OWNER, for the storage and management of personal information provided, in case it was provided, by the user of the service. Besides, according to the Spanish and European legislation, we are required to retain in our server the connection and traffic data generated by the communications established for a period of twelve months.
Unless otherwise stated by the User, the OWNER may also use the personal information provided to carry out commercial activities and / or satisfaction surveys or for market research. The fact of giving us your email address implies that you consent to the sending of commercial communications by the OWNER.
Please be informed that all security measures of technical and/or organizational nature and computer security measures have been taken to protect your personal data, in order to prevent alteration, loss and / or unauthorized access, all in accordance with the applicable legislation.
The user may exercise his/her rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition as stipulated by data protection regulations, by the means indicated in the General Terms.
This Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its clauses by Spanish law, in addition to the general terms of use set forth here in.